view:29919 Last Update: 2014-4-15
My previous works
You can find my previous works here,
[1] Water Film Motor
Fluid Film Motor : A soap film carrying electric current rotates under applying extrnal electric field (See here)
[2]Rotation of Polar Liquid Films
Rotation of polar liquids: Polar liquids rotate under applying extrnal electric current and field
[3]Instability and Rotation of Liquid Crystal Films
Instability in Liquid Crystals : Three rotating vortices on the film of liquid crystal convert to a rotation (See here).
[4]Elecrto/magnetically induced rotation
Fluid bulk motor : Rotation of water volume carrying an electric current when magnetic field is applied (See here).
My current works
I would be glad to do Science with evryone who interested in these works.[5] Rotation of Water bulk
[6] AC Rotation
Direct flow with AC field: Applying high frequency nonuniform electric field produces regular flow in soap film (more).
[7] Rotation and in Asymmetric Frame
About this phenomenon
Our observation show that producing rotation in fluid film with using an electric current (in absent of the external electric field)in assymetric frame (see here).
[8] Vibration of Fluid Film
About this phenomenon
If the passed electric current through the fluid film to be the alternating while the applied external electric fiel is direct, the film will vibrate (See here).
[9] Spreading a Droplet by a Soap Film
About this phenomenon
Spreading of a droplet : A water droplet is spreaded on a soap film and produces a new film (more and more).
Open questions:
Foam Rotation : Each bubble of a foam rotates separatly when an electric field and current are appied on the foam.
Instability in Liquids : Irregular motions of suspended mesetylene film because of passing electric current.
Nematohydrodynamics: Suspended MBBA liquid crystal film between two polorades (See here).
Rotation of metalic fluid : Rotation of a Mercury droplet under applying magnetic field and electric current.
Ferrofluids : Repels on a ferrofluid suspended film (more).
Our Model
We have presented a simple theoritical model that explains some above experiments (Please see here).