view:28932 Last Update: 2010-6-29
1) Study of Nuclear Structure and Measurement of Dynamical and Statical
properties of nuclei.
a) Life time measurement with DSA technique. ( Exp. , Theo.)
b) Study of deformation of nuclei via gamma-ray spectroscopy.
c) Total angular momentum (spin) measurement and determination of branching and mixing
ratios of excited states
2) Qualitative and Quantitative study of trace elements of different samples (Chemical,
Biological, Coins, Agriculture, ….) and Determination of rare earth elements concentration
of different samples.
a) Studies of archaeological samples via NAA ( Neutron Activation Analysis) and PIXE
(Proton Induced X- Ray Emission).
b) Determination of pollution of soil and measurement of particles Concentration which
exist in the air, with help of PIXE.
c) Measurement of pollution of water and Qualitative plus Quantitative Analysis of solution
elements in water Via ICP (Inductively Couples Plasma)
d) Radioisotope Production for Industerial and Clinical Purposes.